Can you imagine LA traffic being worse?
10% off your entire order when you buy more than one
We take GPS for granted. And perhaps you know your town fairly well, but what happens when your normal route is unavailable?
Never Astray maps were designed with emergency preparedness at their core. After buying every map we could for our own kits, we realized that there was something left desired. Maps are at the height of their technology yet little was available in printed form.
The cell towers are down or over-capacity, but you still need to make it to your destintaion.
Know where to head during a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire. Mark custom evacuation routes and rally points for you and yours. Our maps are writeable with ink or pencil - we recommend using colors.
10s of millions of Americans spend $100s or $1000s on guns, food storage, and ammunition, but don't have the basics of navigation covered.
Put yourself far ahead of the curve with a map. We use them almost daily in our normal lives - you'll use them even more when the grid goes down.